Mission Statement
The aim of the Bay Area Art Conservation Guild is to improve knowledge of all subjects related to the conservation of cultural works, to encourage education, study, research, to promote proficiency and skill in the practice of conservation of cultural works, to oppose any influences which would tend to lower standards and ethics, and to disseminate technical and professional information.
Excerpt taken from the founding article:
Conservators of the San Francisco area, under the leadership of Roger Broussal, Chief Conservator of the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, have formed a new Regional Group, the BAY AREA ART CONSER- VATION GUILD. The first officers of the newly founded guild are: Chair- man: Roger Broussal, Chief Conservator, Asian Art Museum of San Francisco; Vice-Chairman: Roy Perkinson, Conservator of the Achenbach Foundation for the Graphic Arts, Museum of the California Palace of the Legion of Honor; Secretary: Alexis Pencovic, Assistant Conservator, Asian Art Museum of San Francisco; Treasurer: Ms. Stella Patri, Book and Paper Conservator, San Francisco.
At this time, the new organization has 20 members, with many others becoming interested in joining as the new guild gains momentum and recognition. The Group Advisory Committee which will guide and further establish the direction of the new group includes the elected officers plus the following members: George L. Stout, Gerald R. Hoepfner, Tony Rockwell and Tom Dixon.
A special Thank You
The Board Members of BAACG would like to take a moment to thank Directors, staff and past members for hosting some very special events.
Filoli Historic House and Gardens
San Mateo County Historical Museum
Computer History Museum
Stanford Cantor Arts Center And Biochemistry Lab
SF Maritime Museum
Legion of Honor Museum
deYoung Museum
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology
Arcadia Fine Custom Framing